Computer under construction

The world of technology is an enigma for most people.

In fact, it is estimated that Warren Buffett has lost millions, or even billions, because of his unwillingness to invest in technology companies.

Your business might not be losing millions or billions, but it might be losing thousands or hundreds of thousands because of not having the right information technology.

Warren Buffett doesn’t invest in technology because one of his rules is to not invest in any business he doesn’t fully understand. Yes, for even one of the richest and smartest people on the planet, technology is difficult to understand.

It might be difficult for you to understand as well, which makes your business vulnerable.

What is a network infrastructure? How do you set up cloud storage? Do you even need it? How many serves, if any, do you need to run your business?

Or maybe is something as small as your wireless connection not working properly.

Your friend or family member that is tech-savvy can only do so much. Also, they might not be available at the exact moment you need them.

We are always available to serve our partners. We say “partners” because once you start working with us, the success of your business is our business.

We are the answer to all of your information technology needs.

Strong Network Infrastructures Lead to Growth

As a small business, you might feel alone sometimes.

There is so much you need to handle, yet you are not big enough to have an employee for each of your needs

Sales, marketing, IT, human resources, accounting, etc.

Big companies can afford to have in-house teams dedicated to all their requirements and sometimes we, as small businesses, might have to compete with them.

So how do we do it? How do we survive?

By standing together and creating valuable partnerships.

You might have different network solutions challenges that are stopping you from growing.

It might be your phone systems or that you don’t have shared printers and there is a lot of time wasted when anyone needs to print something.

Maybe you just need to set up a router and establish internet connectivity.

These all seem like small details, but adding them all up leads to higher employee productivity.

Think about it! How much time do you lose when there is no internet connection or your business phones are down?

How many prospects or leads are you missing? You could be losing thousands!

We provide value to small businesses who need to be in contact with their customers 24-hours a day and want to grow their business. Let the technology do the work while you focus on serving your customer.

Let’s go back to Warren Buffett. Why do you think he is one of the richest men in the world?

There are probably several reasons, but one of them is that he focuses on what he is good at and does more of that. He also knows what his weaknesses are (technology is one of them) and stays away from that when investing.

Yes, just by following Warren’s lead won’t get you to billionaire status but it will certainly help you grow your business by being efficient and effective with your time.

Our goal is that you focus on what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. Let’s be honest, technology can be a pain at times.

We have all been there pressing all the buttons of the keyboard and clicking the mouse like a crazy person trying to solve a technology issue.

But this can end today!

We want to help you by making your life easier. Contact us today so that we can start building a strong partnership.

We have been in business for more than 20 years and have more than 40 years of experience within IT support in Houston.

Our goal is to become a trusted partner, not just a service that you are paying for. This is what our partners are saying:

“Bob Bamburg is always just a text message and a moment away when I need any type of technical support. The phone system he provided to us almost 10 years ago is always updated with the newest software and performs like a fine Swiss Watch.” – Karen Sharp, FW Walton

Check it out yourself, click here to see our client references.

Bob Bamburg


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